Rear lights T4 Transporter 2.5 TDI 102 hp Diesel left and right
- Manuf. year (from - to): 09.1995-04.2003
- Engine power [kW]: 75
- Engine power [hp]: 102
- Cylinder capacity (cc): 2461
- Engine type: Diesel
- Car body type: Bus
- Manufacturer's model designation: 70XB, 70XC, 7DB, 7DW
- Doors: ...
- Drive: Front Wheel Drive
- Catalytic Converter: ...
- Camshaft layout: SOHC/OHC
- Engine Cooling: Water-cooled
- Engine Design: Straight
- ABS: without ABS
- Traction control system: without ARS
- Fitting Position:
- Lens Colour (direction indicator): yellow
- Lamp Type: P21/5W, P21W
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder, without bulb
- Quality: Depo
- Registration Type: ECE approved
- paired article number: 441-1919R-UE
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Fitting Position:
- Lamp Type: P21W, PY21W
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder
- Lens Colour: smoke grey
- Left-/right-hand drive vehicles: for left-hand drive vehicles
- Condition: Brand new
- Fitting Position:
- Lamp Type: P21W, PY21W
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder
- Lens Colour: smoke grey
- Left-/right-hand drive vehicles: for left-hand drive vehicles
- Condition: Brand new
- Fitting Position:
- Lamp Type: P21/5W, P21W
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder, without bulb
- Lens Colour: smoke grey
- Quality: Depo
- Registration Type: ECE approved
- paired article number: 441-1919L-UE-SR
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Fitting Position:
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder
- Construction Year to: 07/1997
- Lens Colour: Orange
- Colour:
- Left-/right-hand drive vehicles: for left-hand drive vehicles
- Condition: Brand new
- Fitting Position:
- Lamp Type: P21W, P21/5W
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder, without bulb
- Lens Colour: smoke grey
- Quality: Depo
- Registration Type: ECE approved
- paired article number: 441-1919R-UE-SR
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Fitting Position:
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder
- Construction Year to: 07/1997
- Lens Colour: Orange
- Colour:
- Left-/right-hand drive vehicles: for left-hand drive vehicles
- Condition: Brand new
- Fitting Position:
- Condition: Brand new
- Fitting Position:
- Lens Colour (direction indicator): yellow
- Lamp Type: P21/5W, P21W
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder, without bulb
- Quality: Depo
- Registration Type: ECE approved
- paired article number: 441-1919L-UE
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Fitting Position:
- Lamp Type: P21/5W
- Indicator Colour: yellow
- Quality: Depo / TYC
- Registration Type: ECE approved
- for OE number: 701945111
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Fitting Position:
- Lamp Type: P21/5W
- Indicator Colour: yellow
- Quality: Depo / TYC
- Registration Type: ECE approved
- for OE number: 701945096
- Alternatively
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Fitting Position:
- Lens Colour (direction indicator): yellow
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder
- Colour:
- Quality: Q
- paired article number: 95 66 87-1
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Fitting Position:
- Lens Colour (direction indicator): yellow
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder
- Colour:
- Quality: Q
- paired article number: 95 66 88-1
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Fitting Position:
- Lens Colour (direction indicator): smoke grey
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder
- Colour:
- Quality: Q
- paired article number: 95 66 87-3
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Fitting Position:
- Lens Colour (direction indicator): smoke grey
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder
- Colour:
- Quality: Q
- paired article number: 95 66 88-3
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Product line: UNIVERSAL
- Fitting Position:
- Light Design: 5 Chamber Light
- Light Function: with license plate light
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info Info 2: without reflector
- Width [mm]: 133
- Length [mm]:
- Thickness [mm]: 75
- Hole Spacing [mm]: 152
- Condition: Remanufactured
- Product line: UNIVERSAL
- Fitting Position:
- Light Design: 5 Chamber Light
- Light Function: with license plate light
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info Info 2: with reflector
- Width [mm]: 133
- Length [mm]:
- Thickness [mm]: 75
- Hole Spacing [mm]: 152
- Condition: Remanufactured
- Product line: UNIVERSAL
- Fitting Position:
- Light Design: 5 Chamber Light
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info Info 2: with reflector
- Width [mm]: 133
- Length [mm]:
- Thickness [mm]: 75
- Hole Spacing [mm]: 152
- Condition: Remanufactured
- Fitting Position:
- Lens Colour (direction indicator): yellow
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder
- paired article number: 5874931
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
- Fitting Position:
- Lens Colour (direction indicator): yellow
- Supplementary Article / Supplementary Info: without bulb holder
- paired article number: 5874932
- Condition: Brand new
RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.
Rear lights VW TRANSPORTER 4 Bus (70XB, 70XC, 7DB, 7DW) 2.5 TDI 102 hp: Is one brand better than others?
The best spare parts, according to our customers, in the product category Rear light LED T4 Transporter 2.5 TDI are produced by these brands:
ABAKUS, ALKAR, AMiO, Berger & Schroter, Bike ITRear light VW TRANSPORTER 4 Bus (70XB, 70XC, 7DB, 7DW) 2.5 TDI Diesel AUF: How much do these products cost?
The price in the category Tail light T4 Transporter 2.5TDI AUF generally ranges from £19 to £27, and this is largely influenced by factors such as the manufacturer and product specifications.