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Heavy duty degreasers

Items: 99
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GRAFEN GPLR Heavy duty degreasers for carCleaner / Thinner GPLR

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Article №: GPLR
GRAFEN Cleaner / Thinner GPLR CFC-free, aerosol, transparent, Capacity: 200ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  200
  • Packing Type:  aerosol
  • Chemical Properties:  CFC-free
  • Colour:  transparent
  • Temperature range [°C]:  +5°С - +25°С
  • Condition:  New
£ 2,78
£ 13,90 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
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10/10 Based on over 3 customer ratings
Article №: 20-A01
MA PROFESSIONAL Cleaner / Thinner 20-A01 aerosol, Capacity: 1000ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  1000
  • Packing Type:  aerosol
  • Condition:  New
£ 2,88
£ 2,88 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
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PRESTO 429965 Car paint degreaser for carCleaner / Thinner 429965
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 429965
PRESTO Cleaner / Thinner 429965 Capacity: 150ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  150
  • Condition:  New
£ 3,88
£ 25,87 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: L761
K2 Cleaner / Thinner L761 aerosol, Capacity: 700ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  700
  • Packing Type:  aerosol
  • Condition:  New

RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.

£ 3,71
£ 4,28
£ 6,11 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
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TENZI WC GEL H46 Automotive degreaser for carCleaner / Thinner H46

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Article №: H46
TENZI WC GEL Cleaner / Thinner H46 0.75l, Bottle
  • Product line:  WC GEL
  • Packing Type:  Bottle
  • Capacity [litre]:  0.75
  • Condition:  New
£ 4,38
£ 5,84 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
PRESTO 157165 Auto body degreaser for carCleaner / Thinner 157165
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 157165
PRESTO Cleaner / Thinner 157165 Capacity: 400ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  400
  • Condition:  New
£ 5,18
£ 12,95 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
FOLIATEC 2198 Auto degreaser products for carCleaner / Thinner 2198

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Article №: 2198
FOLIATEC Cleaner / Thinner 2198 Capacity: 100ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  100
  • Condition:  New

RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.

£ 7,60
£ 5,18
£ 51,80 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
CARAMBA 66140704 Heavy duty degreasers for carCleaner / Thinner 66140704
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 66140704
CARAMBA Cleaner / Thinner 66140704 aerosol, Capacity: 500ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  500
  • Packing Type:  aerosol
  • Condition:  New
£ 5,88
£ 11,76 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
BOLL 001048 Degreaser for car for carCleaner / Thinner 001048
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 001048
BOLL Cleaner / Thinner 001048 aerosol, Capacity: 400ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  400
  • Packing Type:  aerosol
  • Condition:  New
£ 6,68
£ 16,70 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
PRESTO 157172 Car paint degreaser for carCleaner / Thinner 157172
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 157172
PRESTO Cleaner / Thinner 157172 Capacity: 400ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  400
  • Condition:  New
£ 7,28
£ 18,20 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
FACOM 006062 Car degreaser spray for carCleaner / Thinner 006062
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 006062
FACOM Cleaner / Thinner 006062 Sprayable, aerosol, Capacity: 400ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  400
  • Packing Type:  aerosol
  • Chemical Properties:  Sprayable
  • Condition:  New
£ 7,58
£ 18,95 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
DUPLI COLOR 174353 Automotive degreaser for carCleaner / Thinner 174353
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 174353
DUPLI COLOR Cleaner / Thinner 174353 AUTO COLOR 7-0220 green 400 ml, Capacity: 400ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  400
  • Supplementary Info:  AUTO COLOR 7-0220 green 400 ml
  • Condition:  New
£ 9,08
£ 22,70 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
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BOLL 001405 Auto body degreaser for carCleaner / Thinner 001405

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Article №: 001405
BOLL Cleaner / Thinner 001405 aerosol, Capacity: 400ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  400
  • Specification 
  • Packing Type:  aerosol
  • Condition:  New
£ 9,28
£ 23,20 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
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FACOM 006066 Auto degreaser products for carCleaner / Thinner 006066
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 006066
FACOM Cleaner / Thinner 006066 aerosol, Capacity: 600ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  600
  • Packing Type:  aerosol
  • Condition:  New
£ 9,88
£ 16,47 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
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K&N Filters 99-6000 Heavy duty degreasers for carCleaner / Thinner 99-6000
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 99-6000
K&N Filters Cleaner / Thinner 99-6000 Sprayable, Bottle, Box, Capacity: 355ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  355
  • Quantity Unit:  Box
  • Packing Type:  Bottle
  • Chemical Properties:  Sprayable
  • Version:  Cleaner & Refresher
  • Condition:  New

RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.

£ 17,29
£ 11,18
£ 31,49 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
K&N Filters 99-5050 Degreaser for car for carCleaner / Thinner 99-5050
8.0/10 Based on over 4 customer ratings
Article №: 99-5050
K&N Filters Cleaner / Thinner 99-5050 Sprayable, Bottle, Box, red, Capacity: 592ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  592
  • Quantity Unit:  Box
  • Packing Type:  Bottle
  • Chemical Properties:  Sprayable
  • Colour:  red
  • Version:  Squeeze Oil, Cleaner
  • Condition:  New

RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.

£ 17,29
£ 11,18
£ 18,89 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
K&N Filters 99-0621EU Car paint degreaser for carCleaner / Thinner 99-0621EU
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 99-0621EU
K&N Filters Cleaner / Thinner 99-0621EU Sprayable, Bottle, Box, red, Capacity: 946ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  946
  • Quantity Unit:  Box
  • Packing Type:  Bottle
  • Chemical Properties:  Sprayable
  • Colour:  red
  • Condition:  New

RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.

£ 17,29
£ 11,38
£ 12,03 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
K&N Filters 99-5000EU Car degreaser spray for carCleaner / Thinner 99-5000EU
10/10 Based on over 13 customer ratings
Article №: 99-5000EU
K&N Filters Cleaner / Thinner 99-5000EU Sprayable, Bottle, Box, red, Capacity: 559ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  559
  • Quantity Unit:  Box
  • Packing Type:  Bottle
  • Chemical Properties:  Sprayable
  • Colour:  red
  • Version:  Aerosol Oil/Cleaner
  • Condition:  New

RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.

£ 17,29
£ 12,18
£ 21,79 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
K&N Filters 99-0624 Automotive degreaser for carCleaner / Thinner 99-0624
8.0/10 Based on over 0 customer ratings
Article №: 99-0624
K&N Filters Cleaner / Thinner 99-0624 Sprayable, Box, Bottle, Capacity: 946, 1000ml
  • Capacity [ml]:  946, 1000
  • Quantity Unit:  Bottle
  • Packing Type:  Box
  • Chemical Properties:  Sprayable
  • Version:  Filter Cleaner
  • Condition:  New

RRP is the recommended retail price set by the manufacturer or importer of the product and provided by the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. AUTODOC displays the RRP (VAT incl.) for a product if it has been received from at least one supplier or another source that has such information.

£ 17,29
£ 13,38
£ 14,14 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
TEROSON VR 170 211910 Auto body degreaser for carCleaner / Thinner 211910

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Article №: 211910
TEROSON VR 170 Cleaner / Thinner 211910 1l, Metal container, red
  • Product line:  VR 170
  • Packing Type:  Metal container
  • Colour:  red
  • Capacity [litre]:  1
  • Observe service information:  +
  • Condition:  New
£ 16,58
£ 16,58 for 1 litre
incl. 20% VAT, excl. delivery costs
In stock
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Find Car paint degreaser that will fit your car

For succesful painting, filling and galvanization of car parts you need to prepare the working surface properly. Particularly, special degreasers will help to get rid of oil, bitum and other impurities. Use of these products also increases adhesion of parts surfaces, facilitates the application of paint or other materials.

Types of degreasers

  • Organic. This category includes agents based on petroleum products, for example, white-spirit, trichloromonofluoromethane, xylol as well as alcoholic solutions. Organic compounds are usually cheap and effectively remove insignificant fat-containing substances from parts surface. But due to fast evaporation they сan’t remove significant impurities. The main disadvantage of the agents – they are highly toxic and inflammable.
  • Alkaline and acid. These anti-static solvents can easily and quickly remove even significant impurities. Due to aggresive substances in the composition they can be unsuitable for certain materials.
  • Emulsive. They are made of organic solvents with emulgators added. These agents easily penetrate into small cracks and envelop oil particles preventing their reappearing on the surface. These compounds are characterized by rather high price.


Organic degreasers are based on petroleum refining products, saturated, chlorinated, and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, compound ethers and others. Also these products can contain components which decrease speed of basic substances evaporation.

Surface-active compounds are also included in the composition of the emulsive products apart from organic solvents. Moreover, agents can contain anti-foamers, fragrances and other additional components.

Tips on how to use degreasers

  1. Use degreasers only in a well-ventilated room wearing protection clothes, gloves, respirator, glases.
  2. Carefully follow the manufacturer recommendations and make sure that the product is safe for a procesed surface.
  3. Many agents are inflammable: they cannot be used near open fire.
  4. Use a sprayer or special lint-free cloths for mixture application.
  5. Note that the product should not be left on the part until its complete drying. After applying remove the agent with the help of a lint-free cloth. profesional asistance

It only takes to register in our online-shop in order to profitably buy the degreasers. Here we have a user-friendly catalogue, qualified support service, regular promotions. Make an online-order in today and buy quality car chemicals on beneficial terms.