Snow chains for your car
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
- Tyre Size: 235-60-R14, 245-60-R14, 215-70-R14, 225-70-R14, 205-75-R14, 215-75-R14, 205-80-R14, 255-45-R15, 235-55-R15, 225-60-R15, 230-60-R15, 215-65-R15, 205-70-R15, 215-70-R15, 195-75-R15, 205-75-R15, 195-80-R15, 245-45-R16, 235-50-R16, 215-55-R16, 205-65-R16, 245-40-R17, 225-45-R17, 215-50-R17, 205-55-R17, 215-40-R18, 225-40-R18, 215-45-R18, 225-45-R18, 255-25-R18, 225-35-R19, 235-35-R19, 240-45-R390, 230-55-R390, 240-55-R390, 240-45-R415, 225-40-R475, 205-R14, 215-R14, 195-R15, 600-R15, 890-R15
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Condition: New
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 390
- Tyre Size: 225-60-R14, 215-65-R14, 205-70-R14, 195-75-R14, 195-80-R14, 225-50-R15, 215-55-R15, 225-55-R15, 215-60-R15, 205-65-R15, 195-70-R15, 185-75-R15, 185-80-R15, 225-45-R16, 215-50-R16, 225-50-R16, 205-55-R16, 205-60-R16, 195-65-R16, 175-75-R16, 245-35-R17, 235-40-R17, 215-45-R17, 205-50-R17, 185-60-R17, 225-35-R18, 205-40-R18, 220-55-R390, 195-R14, 600-R14, 180-R15, 185-R15, 175-R16
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Condition: New
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
- Tyre Size: 245-60-R15, 235-70-R15, 255-50-R16, 245-55-R16, 235-60-R16, 245-60-R16, 215-70-R16, 215-75-R16, 275-40-R17, 255-45-R17, 245-50-R17, 235-55-R17, 225-60-R17, 215-65-R17, 225-65-R17, 205-70-R17, 295-30-R18, 275-35-R18, 255-40-R18, 245-45-R18, 255-45-R18, 235-50-R18, 225-55-R18, 235-55-R18, 225-50-R18, 275-30-R19, 255-35-R19, 265-35-R19, 245-40-R19, 225-45-R19, 235-45-R19, 265-R30, 245-R35
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Condition: New
- Thickness [mm]: 12
- Quantity Unit: Piece
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
- Tyre Size: 185-75-R13, 175-60-R16, 195-70-R13, 215-45-R15, 205-65-R13, 215-60-R13, 175-75-R14, 185-55-R16, 185-70-R14, 195-65-R14, 215-55-R14, 205-55-R14, 205-60-R14, 165-R15, 175-70-R15, 185-60-R15, 185-65-R15, 195-55-R15, 205-50-R15, 195-50-R16, 205-45-R16, 215-40-R16, 205-40-R17, 180-65-390, 190-65-365, 195-60-365, 200-55-390, 200-60-365, 200-65-340, 210-65-365, 220-50-365
- Quantity: 2
- Packaging: Plastic case
- for vehicles with gross vehicle weight [kg]: 1800
- Condition: New
- Thickness [mm]: 12
- Quantity Unit: Piece
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
- Tyre Size: 205-75-R14, 205-80-R14, 215-70-R14, 215-75-R14, 235-60-R14, 245-60-R14, 195-80-R15, 205-70-R15, 205-75-R15, 215-65-R15, 215-70-R15, 225-60-R15, 230-60-R15, 235-55-R15, 235-60-R15, 205-65-R16, 215-60-R16, 225-55-R16, 245-45-R16, 205-55-R17, 215-50-R17, 235-45-R17, 245-40-R17, 215-45-R18, 215-50-R18, 225-45-R18, 235-40-R18, 255-35-R18, 225-40-R19, 235-35-R19, 235-50-R16, 215-55-R17, 225-50-R17, 245-35-R18
- Quantity: 2
- Packaging: Plastic case
- for vehicles with gross vehicle weight [kg]: 1800
- Condition: New
- Thickness [mm]: 12
- Quantity Unit: Piece
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
- Tyre Size: 225-70-R14, 225-65-R15, 235-60-R15, 215-60-R16, 225-60-R16, 245-50-R16, 235-55-R16, 215-60-R17, 235-50-R17, 245-45-R17, 255-40-R17, 235-45-R18, 245-40-R18, 235-40-R19, 245-35-R19, 255-30-R19, 220-65-390, 235-40-475
- Quantity: 2
- Packaging: Plastic case
- for vehicles with gross vehicle weight [kg]: 1800
- Condition: New
- Thickness [mm]: 12
- Quantity Unit: Piece
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 30, 35, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
- Tyre Size: 245-60-R15, 235-70-R15, 255-50-R16, 245-55-R16, 235-60-R16, 245-60-R16, 215-75-R16, 275-40-R17, 255-45-R17, 245-50-R17, 235-55-R17, 225-60-R17, 215-65-R17, 225-65-R17, 205-70-R17, 295-30-R18, 275-35-R18, 255-40-R18, 245-45-R18, 255-45-R18, 235-50-R18, 225-55-R18, 235-55-R18, 225-50-R18, 275-30-R19, 255-35-R19, 265-35-R19, 245-40-R19, 225-45-R19, 235-45-R19, 265-R30, 245-R35
- Quantity: 2
- Certificate: ÖNORM
- Packaging: Plastic case
- for vehicles with gross vehicle weight [kg]: 1800
- Condition: New
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 13, 14, 15, 340, 365
- Tyre Size: 205-50-R13, 195-60-R13, 185-65-R13, 175-70-R13, 165-80-R13, 170-80-R13, 155-85-R13, 195-50-R14, 195-55-R14, 185-60-R14, 175-65-R14, 165-70-R14, 155-80-R14, 195-45-R15, 185-50-R15, 175-55-R15, 165-60-R15, 170-60-R15, 155-65-R15, 165-65-R15, 155-70-R15, 190-55-R340, 180-65-R340, 190-55-R365, 170-65x365, 160-R13, 165-R13, 170-R13, 560-R13, 590-R13, 155-R14, 520-R14, 560-R14, 145-R15
- Certificate: ÖNORM
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Product line: KNS-50
- Condition: New
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 13, 14, 15, 16, 340, 365
- Tyre Size: 205-60-R13, 195-65-R13, 185-70-R13, 175-75-R13, 175-80-R13, 185-55-R14, 195-60-R14, 185-65-R14, 175-70-R14, 165-75-R14, 165-80-R14, 155-85-R14, 195-50-R15, 185-55-R15, 175-60-R15, 175-65-R15, 165-70-R15, 155-80-R15, 205-40-R16, 195-45-R16, 185-50-R16, 165-55-R16, 175-55-R16, 190-65-R340, 190-60-R365, 180-65-R365, 175-R13, 640-R13, 165-R14, 155-R15, 560-R15
- Certificate: ÖNORM
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Product line: KNS-60
- Condition: New
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 340, 365, 390
- Tyre Size: 205-55-R13, 215-60-R13, 205-65-R13, 195-70-R13, 185-75-R13, 185-80-R13, 245-40-R14, 205-55-R14, 200-60-R14, 205-60-R14, 195-65-R14, 185-70-R14, 175-75-R14, 175-80-R14, 205-50-R15, 195-55-R15, 185-60-R15, 185-65-R15, 175-70-R15, 165-80-R15, 215-40-R16, 205-45-R16, 195-50-R16, 215-35-R17, 205-40-R17, 195-45-R17, 175-55-R17, 200-65-R340, 210-55-R365, 195-60-R365, 200-60-R365, 190-65-R365, 200-55-R390, 180-65-R390, 600-R13
- Certificate: ÖNORM
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Product line: KNS-70
- Condition: New
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 365, 390
- Tyre Size: 205-70-R13, 215-55-R14, 225-55-R14, 215-60-R14, 205-65-R14, 195-70-R14, 185-75-R14, 185-80-R14, 215-50-R15, 205-55-R15, 195-60-R15, 200-60-R15, 205-60-R15, 195-65-R15, 185-70-R15, 175-80-R15, 215-45-R16, 205-50-R16, 185-55-R16, 195-55-R16, 195-60-R16, 185-65-R16, 215-40-R17, 205-45-R17, 220-50-R365, 220-55-R365, 210-65-R365, 210-55-R390, 200-60-R390, 190-65-R390, 185-R13, 175-R14, 185-R14, 165-R15, 175-R15
- Certificate: ÖNORM
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Product line: KNS-80
- Condition: New
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 390
- Tyre Size: 225-60-R14, 215-65-R14, 205-70-R14, 195-75-R14, 195-80-R14, 225-50-R15, 215-55-R15, 225-55-R15, 215-60-R15, 205-65-R15, 195-70-R15, 185-75-R15, 185-80-R15, 225-45-R16, 215-50-R16, 225-50-R16, 205-55-R16, 205-60-R16, 195-65-R16, 175-75-R16, 245-35-R17, 235-40-R17, 215-45-R17, 205-50-R17, 185-60-R17, 225-35-R18, 205-40-R18, 220-55-R390, 195-R14, 600-R14, 180-R15, 185-R15, 175-R16
- Certificate: ÖNORM
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Product line: KNS-90
- Condition: New
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 390, 415, 475
- Tyre Size: 235-60-R14, 245-60-R14, 215-70-R14, 225-70-R14, 205-75-R14, 215-75-R14, 205-80-R14, 255-45-R15, 235-55-R15, 225-60-R15, 230-60-R15, 215-65-R15, 205-70-R15, 215-70-R15, 195-75-R15, 205-75-R15, 195-80-R15, 245-45-R16, 235-50-R16, 215-55-R16, 205-65-R16, 245-40-R17, 225-45-R17, 215-50-R17, 205-55-R17, 215-40-R18, 225-40-R18, 215-45-R18, 225-45-R18, 255-25-R18, 225-35-R19, 235-35-R19, 240-45-R390, 230-55-R390, 240-55-R390, 240-45-R415, 225-40-R475, 205-R14, 215-R14, 195-R15, 600-R15, 890-R15
- Certificate: ÖNORM
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Product line: KNS-100
- Condition: New
- Thickness [mm]: 12
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Quantity Unit: Piece
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 13, 14, 15
- Tyre Size: 155-85-R13, 165-80-R13, 170-80-R13, 175-70-R13, 185-65-R13 , 195-60-R13, 205-50-R13 , 155-80-R14, 165-70-R14, 175-65-R14, 185-60-R14, 195-50-R14, 195-55-R14, 155-65-R15, 155-70-R15, 165-60-R15, 165-65-R15, 170-60-R15, 175-55-R15, 185-50-R15, 195-45-R15
- Quantity: 2
- Packaging: Plastic case
- for vehicles with gross vehicle weight [kg]: 1800
- Product line: KN-50
- Condition: New
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 390, 475
- Tyre Size: 215-80-R14, 235-60-R15, 225-65-R15, 245-50-R16, 225-55-R16, 235-55-R16, 215-60-R16, 225-60-R16, 235-45-R17, 225-50-R17, 215-55-R17, 235-40-R18, 220-65-R390, 235-40-R475
- Certificate: ÖNORM
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Product line: KNS-110
- Condition: New
- Thickness [mm]: 12
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Quantity Unit: Piece
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 13, 14, 15, 16
- Tyre Size: 175-75-R13 , 175-80-R13, 185-70-R13, 195-65-R13, 205-60-R13, 155-85-R14, 165-75-R14, 175-70-R14, 185-55-R14, 185-65-R14, 195-60-R14, 155-80-R15, 165-70-R15, 175-60-R15, 185-55-R15, 195-50-R15, 165-55-R16, 175-55-R16, 185-50-R16, 195-45-R16, 205-40-R16
- Quantity: 2
- Packaging: Plastic case
- for vehicles with gross vehicle weight [kg]: 1800
- Product line: KN-60
- Condition: New
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
- Tyre Size: 225-70-R15, 215-65-R16, 225-65-R16, 255-40-R17, 265-40-R17, 245-45-R17, 235-50-R17, 225-55-R17, 215-60-R17, 255-35-R18, 265-35-R18, 245-40-R18, 235-45-R18, 215-50-R18, 215-55-R18, 255-30-R19, 245-35-R19, 225-40-R19, 235-40-R19, 205-R15
- Certificate: ÖNORM
- Packaging: Plastic case
- Chain Thickness [mm]: 9
- Product line: KNS-120
- Condition: New
- Thickness [mm]: 12
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Quantity Unit: Piece
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
- Tyre Size: 185-75-R13 , 185-80-R13, 195-70-R13, 205-55-R13, 205-65-R13, 215-60-R13 , 175-75-R14, 175-80-R14, 185-70-R14, 195-65-R14, 200-60-R14, 205-55-R14, 205-60-R14, 165-80-R15, 175-70-R15, 185-60-R15, 185-65-R15, 195-55-R15, 205-50-R15, 195-50-R16, 205-45-R16, 215-40-R16, 175-55-R17, 195-45-R17, 205-40-R17, 215-35-R17
- Quantity: 2
- Packaging: Plastic case
- for vehicles with gross vehicle weight [kg]: 1800
- Product line: KN-70
- Condition: New
- Thickness [mm]: 12
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Quantity Unit: Piece
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
- Tyre Size: 185-75-R14, 185-80-R14, 195-70-R14, 205-65-R14, 215-55-R14, 215-60-R14, 225-55-R14, 175-80-R15, 185-70-R15, 195-60-R15, 195-65-R15, 200-60-R15, 205-60-R15, 215-50-R15, 225-50-R15, 185-55-R16, 185-60-R16, 185-65-R16, 195-55-R16, 205-50-R16, 215-45-R16, 205-45-R17, 215-40-R17
- Quantity: 2
- Packaging: Plastic case
- for vehicles with gross vehicle weight [kg]: 1800
- Product line: KN-80
- Condition: New
- Thickness [mm]: 12
- Registration Type: with TÜV® certificate
- Quantity Unit: Piece
- Features: with rim protection
- Wheel Diameter [inch]: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
- Tyre Size: 195-75-R14, 195-80-R14, 205-70-R14, 215-65-R14, 225-60-R14, 245-40-R14, 185-75-R15, 185-80-R15, 195-70-R15, 205-65-R15, 215-55-R15, 215-60-R15, 225-50-R15, 225-55-R15, 175-75-R16, 195-65-R16, 205-55-R16, 205-60-R16, 215-50-R16, 225-45-R16, 225-50-R16, 185-60-R17, 205-50-R17, 205-70-R17, 215-45-R17, 235-40-R17, 245-35-R17, 205-40-R18, 225-35-R18
- Quantity: 2
- Packaging: Plastic case
- for vehicles with gross vehicle weight [kg]: 1800
- Product line: KN-90
- Condition: New
Wheel chains for Top car maker
Snow chains for cars for top models
Find cheap deals for
Snow chains are irreplaceable at car use in off-road and bad weather conditions. Thus, these products allow to drive on slippery mountain roads, get out of deep holes or snowdrifts.
Types of snow chains
According to the weight of the car for which accessories are made, they are divided into these main groups:
- for passenger cars;
- for SUVs;
- for lorries.
These products differ from one another in the maximum load value which they can withstand. Moreover, products come in different sizes according to tyre parameters. There are kits consisting of two or four chains.
The accessories differ in the production material. Particularly, manufacturers use:
- steel;
- plastics;
- rubber;
- nylon.
Steel products considered the most effective at driving on a snow-covered or waterlogged road part at low speed. At the same time they are rather rigid and weight much, due to which their storing and installation are inconvenient. Special feature of accessories made of softer materials is a possibility to drive the car at higher speed, for example, on the icy road.
Tips on snow chains use
First of all, you should study instruction and test accessories. Particularly, many manufacturers recommend to install the chains and drive several meters on the asphalted surface at low speed. Following that you should stop and make sure the products are well fastened. Failure to fasten the accessories well might lead to tyres damage.
Don’t exceed speed specified by the manufacturer while using snow chains. Otherwise, probability of products damage increases. Take into account that accessories are not made for long operation on the asphalted road. Thus, it is recommended to remove the chains as soon as the car leaves an off-road area.
If the product gets damaged you need to stop and remove it instantly. The point is that the damaged accessory can break down elements of the brake system or suspension. professional assistance
Do you need to buy snow chains as soon as possible? Select them in catalogue and make an online-orderwith a few clicks. Specialists of our online-shop will quickly process the order and do everything for fast product delivery. Become a client and make purchases without delays.